
A fluid and quirky way to view your search history. TimeMachine allows you to smoothly switch between tabs & keep'em well organised.

Click on any Tab & have some fun:)



TimeMachine is a concept which brings fluid animations & intuitive interactivity to your old & boring search histories to explore new & fun ways of broswering the web.


npm i framer-motion lodash-move react-icons
import React, { useRef,useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { motion } from "framer-motion";
import move from "lodash-move";
import Image from "next/image";
import spacex from "@/assests/images/spacex.png"
import tesla from "@/assests/images/tesla.png"
import apple from "@/assests/images/apple.png"
import arc from "@/assests/images/arc.png"
import {HiArrowSmallRight} from "react-icons/hi2";
const TimeMachine = () => {
const CARD_OFFSET = 50;
const SCALE_FACTOR = 0.2;
const CARD_COLORS = [{Name:"",Image:arc},{Name:"",Image:tesla},{Name:"",Image:spacex}, {Name:"",Image:apple}];
const [cards, setCards] = useState(CARD_COLORS);
const moveToEnd = from => {
setCards(move(cards, from, 0));
return (
{, index) => {
return (
<motion.div key={site.Name}
top: index * -CARD_OFFSET,
scale: 1 - index * SCALE_FACTOR,
zIndex: CARD_COLORS.length - index,
}} whileHover={{scale: 1.02 - index * SCALE_FACTOR, transition:{duration:0.1}}} onTap={() => moveToEnd(index)} className='bg-[#f1f1f1] sm:min-w-[34%] sm:max-w-[50%] sm:left-[33%] shadow-[rgba(0,0,0,0.3)_0px_8px_30px_0px] absolute min-w-[63%] h-[300px] origin-[top_center] overflow-hidden m-auto rounded-[17px] left-[18%]'>
<div className="bg-[#f1f1f1] h-[45px] flex p-1 rounded-t-lg">
<div className='flex h-[15px] w-[55px] text-center justify-center m-auto'>
<div className='bg-[#bfbdbd] w-[10.5px] h-[10.5px] flex mx-1 m-auto rounded-[20px]'></div>
<div className='bg-[#bfbdbd] w-[10.5px] h-[10.5px] flex mx-1 m-auto rounded-[20px]'></div>
<div className='bg-[#bfbdbd] w-[10.5px] h-[10.5px] flex mx-1 m-auto rounded-[20px]'></div>
<div className='flex h-[30px] w-[70%] rounded text-black items-center text-xs bg-white m-auto p-[5px]'>{site.Name}</div>
<motion.div whileHover={{scale: 1.1}} className='flex m-auto'><HiArrowSmallRight color='black' size={20}></HiArrowSmallRight></motion.div>
<div className='[&::-webkit-scrollbar]:hidden overflow-y-auto absolute h-full m-auto'>
<Image src={site.Image} style={{maxWidth: "100%",height: "auto"}}></Image>
export default TimeMachine;

The code for this component is here. Some libraries used are:

  • Next.js
  • framer-motion
  • tailwindcss
  • react-icons
  • lodash-move
  • Electron.js (for webview)
  • Inspired by the original Apple MacOs Time-machine:)